24 October 2015

Winter Science Seminars at KML

First seminar of the winter: Wed Nov 4th 6:00-7:00pm
Topic: "New State-of-the-Art Seawater System at KML"
By Tom Bartlett – KML staff biologist

We will kick off our winter science seminars at Keys Marine Lab with a tour of our new seawater system. Staff biologist, Tom Bartlett, will explain the applications of our new state-of-the-art system to manipulate seawater conditions for ocean acidification research, as well as providing high-quality reef water for marine research. Everyone is welcome!
Winter Science Seminars at KML 
mm 68.5 bayside
first Wed of the month, Nov-April. 
6:00-7:00pm in KML Classroom
Future dates - topics to be announced
Dec 2
Jan 6
Feb 3
March 2